Supply Side Energy Management

    Waste to Energy

    Waste-to-Energy (WtE) or Energy-from-Waste (EfW) in its strictest sense refers to any waste treatment that creates energy in the form of electricity and/or heat from a waste source that would have alternatively been disposed off in landfill, also called energy recovery. For companies with large amounts of combustible by-products, locating a waste-to-energy plant on site addresses two issues:

    » Creating an economical and reliable source of energy
    » Avoiding the costly expense of finding alternative disposal alternatives for the materials

    Vesta offers the continuous mass burn Waste-to-Energy (WtE) system. The WtE system comprises large vertical combustion chamber incinerators with heat recovery to produce steam and electricity. They are pre-fabricated at our production facilities from proprietary refractory panels and assembled on-site.

    We have the experience and expertise to develop electricity generating capacity based on renewable energy source, so that our clients can enjoy the economic and social benefits of electricity.

    Integrated Cogeneration System

    The usual (conventional) way to cover needs in electricity and heat is to purchase electricity from the local grid (TNB) and generate heat by burning fuel in a boiler, a furnace, etc. However, a considerable decrease in total fuel consumption is achieved if a cogeneration (known also as combined heat power, CHP) is applied. Cogeneration is the thermodynamically sequential production of two or more useful forms of energy from a single primary energy source.

    ICS is a concept where three products i.e. power, heat and cooling are generated from the same process (also called CHCP – Combined Heating, Cooling and Power generation).

    Vesta is particular with the design and selecting the appropriate technology as the criteria varies from one fuel to another. In addition, service and technical support available from Vesta and the proven reliability of particular machines, may have a significant bearing on the outcome of our selection procedure. The Integrated Cogeneration System provides many benefits including:

    » Reduced energy cost
    » Improved power reliability
    » Increased energy efficiency
    » Improved environment quality

    Wind Energy

    As the fastest growing energy technology, Wind Energy is both old-fashioned and revolutionary. It is a proven entity, utilized for thousands of years to pump water and propel ships through the seas. Today, thanks to state-of-the-art wind turbines, it can also illuminate cities and power factories, schools, and homes.

    Wind Energy represents a straightforward energy strategy but the business of harnessing it can be complicated. Vesta’s team of wind experts has the knowledge and experience to simplify the process and lighten your load. If you need to evaluate and develop a potential site (large or small), work through governmental regulations, or manage the project once it is completed, we can work with you to make wind a powerful agent of change.

    One of the main benefits of Wind Energy is economic gain, both for individuals and communities. Besides free fuel, other benefits include energy independence, clean water and clean air.

    Solar Energy

    Heat and light from the sun, along with solar-based resources such as wind and wave power, hydro-electricity and biomass, account for over 99.9 percent of the available flow of renewable energy.

    Our focus at Vesta is to bring together our clients with renewable clean energy systems and options. Vesta has been involved in energy saving programmes for more than 10 years and continues the fine tradition by bringing our clients the latest technology in solar systems, wind systems and lighting options. Vesta uses Solar Energy to help you and your corporation to

    » Reduce your electricity bills
    » Contribute less to global carbon emissions

    Our energy-saving clients will be reducing carbon emissions because we help them to design a solar electricity system to fulfill some or all of their electricity requirements and then supply and install the system for them.

    Geothermal Energy

    Geothermal energy is a very powerful and efficient way to extract a renewable energy from the earth through natural processes. Vesta uses this technology to perform on a small scale to provide heat for a residential unit (a geothermal heat pump), or on a very large scale for energy production through a geothermal power plant.

    We can create a water pump system that pushes colder water down into the earth to return warmer in the winter months, or the opposite during the summer months and in this process there is no combustion of fossil fuels and as a result there is no harmful emissions of gases to the atmosphere, only water steam gets released.

    Since estimated total amount of geothermal energy that could be used is significantly bigger than the total quantity of energy resources based on oil, coal and natural gas all together, geothermal energy should be having more significant impact. Especially since it is cheap, this renewable energy resource is also ecologically acceptable. This natural energy is easily available and should be exploited (edges of tectonic plates) because this could soften the pressure on fossil fuels helping Earth to recover from dangerous greenhouse gases.

    Ocean Energy

    The oil crisis in the 1970s emphasized the need to find other solutions to satisfy the growing global demand of energy.

    The world's oceans may eventually provide us with energy to power our homes and businesses. Right now, there are very few ocean energy power plants and most are fairly small.

    Vesta has four basic ways to tap the ocean for its energy.

    » Ocean waves
    » Ocean high and low tides
    » Harness underwater currents (Tidal)
    » Use temperature differences in the water (OTEC)

    Each system has its own advantages and disadvantages. Several common points to these three main technologies stand out.

    The positive aspects of using ocean energy are:

    » Reduction in the dependence on fossil fuels
    » Source of energy is free, renewable and clean
    » Clean electricity is produced with no production of greenhouse gas or pollution (liquid or solid)
    » Energy produced is free once the initial costs are recovered
    » These technologies are renewable sources of energy

    The proprietary technology is covered by international patents. The patent portfolio covers a wide range of technologies, including:

    » System Design
    » Control Systems
    » Power Conversion
    » Anchoring and Mooring
    » Wave Farm Architecture